Friday, March 21, 2008

Observations near the end of a vacation...

Well, it is the Friday near the end of my annual spring vacation and here are few observations that have occurred to me this week.

When your 5 year old asks you and your spouse if you need a time out  you've still got the cool factor left..

When the IRS sends you a letter in the mail explaining to you how you are going to GET money instead of SEND money.  That's a cool feeling.

The more water you drink the more of a coffee buzz you get when you go to Starbucks.  yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah!

Hockey season sucks when you lose the game with 28.7 seconds left.

Spring is in the air and it is soon to be opening day of Baseball season!  H-town represent!

Finding a few hours to spend with your bride after someone else's kid has went home is a cool feeling.

Getting your favorite baseball team's logo on your debit card... Definate cool feeling!!!

Spring cleaning sucks, but I'm glad I did it.

More later,



WendyDarling said...

Sounds like you had an okay end to your vacation. I wish it could have been longer for you, and that y'all had been able to come down though. :-)

Princess LadyBug said...

Um, I think we need some snaps of the debit card, dude. Minus the digits of course.